Thank You and I Miss You


Dear Uncle Reggie,

You have done so much for me in my life and I know I had so much more to learn from you, but you were taken away from us so soon.  I wish I had more time with you even if it was for one hour more.  I just want to learn what you thought it meant to be a man.  Some how you got it right, when ever I think of the type of man I want to be, you come to mind.  

You treated me as if I was your son and to me you were a second dad.  In the 16 years I had to spend with you, I was taught so many things.  You never sat me down and told me what a man was, you showed me.  A real man puts family first, a real man looks for the best in people, a real man laughs in a tough situation and deals with it, and a real man doesn't give up no matter how hard it got.  Thank you for the lessons you taught me.  

If you could see me today I know I would have made you proud.  I kept the things you held the closest safe. We all did; your children, your nephews, and nieces.   We remembered one important thing family comes first and no matter how big of a mistake we might have made there was always a plate of food waiting for us.  I never got to tell you thank you for everything because I was young and naive.  So thank you, a great deal of what I learned from you gave me the courage to make so many key decisions in my life.  So if i have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.

Miss you,